Protect them for life: main problems in fattening
After lactation comes the fattening period, in which lambs and kids are fed until they reach the ideal weight. At this stage, it is crucial to maintain the health of...
Read moreAfter lactation comes the fattening period, in which lambs and kids are fed until they reach the ideal weight. At this stage, it is crucial to maintain the health of...
Read moreOnce again, the HIPRA Stats team highlights the fundamental role that data analysis can play in achieving greater efficiency on farms. This is largely because data analysis helps us improve...
Read moreDuring lactation, there is a common problem that endangers the survival of lambs and kids: respiratory disease. This pathology is a great concern on all farms. What are the key...
Read moreEach stage in the life of animals brings with it specific problems, which we must address with specific measures. In this article, we will focus on the health challenges during...
Read moreVaccination is an effective tool for improving animal health and welfare. However, the decision to vaccinate the herd is often made based on economic factors. One of the best indicators...
Read moreThe main objective on sheep and goat farms is to optimize animal production, and data analysis plays a fundamental role in achieving this goal. In the interview with HIPRA Stats,...
Read moreSheep and goat milk production has increased in recent years, mainly due mainly to the high demand for dairy products. The growth and intensification of the sector has led to...
Read moreData collection is a crucial tool for optimizing the profitability of farms. In recent years, the technification of the small ruminants sector has made it easier to gather data, but...
Read moreSomatic cells are an indicator of milk quality and udder health. It is important to know what they are and how to interpret them.
Read moreClostridial diseases affect all sheep and goat farms. Due to their characteristics, controlling them by reducing risk factors alone is difficult. There is one measure that offers the best results...
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