Each stage in the life of animals brings with it specific problems, which we must address with specific measures. In this article, we will focus on the health challenges during the first days of life of lambs and kids. What is the best way to deal with them?
What is the first problem to appear?
Early milk feeding is a critical stage for lambs and kids. The first problem that usually appears is diarrhea syndrome, a multifactorial disease in which several pathogens are present.
The main infectious agents are: E. coli, C. perfringens, coronavirus, and rotavirus, as well as parasites.
How can we avoid it?
First of all, we must maintain a good level of hygiene and disinfection in the pens. Good planning of the farrowing pens is also important, since having short, separate farrowing pens facilitates management.
Good planning of lambing pens will facilitate management of the animals during their first days of life
It should be noted that for the survival of lambs and kids it is necessary to ensure proper hydration and an adequate temperature to avoid hypothermia.
In the first weeks of life, colostrum plays a crucial role. For this reason, prepartum vaccination protocols are always recommended, as is the case with clostridial vaccines.
Clostridial vaccines have demonstrated good passive immunity
In order to protect the animals correctly, we must ensure correct colostrum intake. The time of optimal absorption of immunoglobulins is before the first 12 hours of life, and the amount we give is also very important.
What other problems can we highlight?
In the first days of life, we often encounter another complication: contagious ecthyma (orf).
It causes painful lip lesions in lambs and kids, making it difficult for them to eat, and can cause death. Once it appears, it is very difficult to control, since transmission in the herd is very rapid, by direct contact or by fomites.
To prevent ecthyma we must eliminate the stressor and optimize hygiene
Ecthyma can be considered opportunistic, as outbreaks are usually triggered by stressors related to the herd’s handling, environment, or other diseases.
– Caring for lambs and kids during the first days of life presents significant challenges.
– To optimize their health and ensure their survival, it is necessary to implement the most appropriate control and prevention measures.
By preventing and controlling pathologies in the first days of life, we can reduce the use of antibiotics
Las diarreas del cordero, un problema multifactorial. (Lamb diarrhea, a multifactorial problem. Technical information). General Directorate of Rural Development. No. 188. 2007. Agrifood Transfer Center.
Article written by:
Tania Perálvarez Puerta. Global Product Manager, Small Ruminants Franchise – HIPRA